Soumya Ranjan Rout

Lead Devops Engineer / DevOps Architect

Tools developer

Developer Productivity

Python Developer - SRE/DevOps - Infrastructure Engineer



Started coding in 2012 with Python[RESTful API, OOP, MVC, ORM]. Since then I have never stopped learning and trying. Writing codes Full Time as Software Engineer from 2014. In those times writing in Java from 2018. Sometimes I do use other languages like Golang, JavaScript. I Try to design my APIs in HTTP RESTful where I can. Years ago I worked with C, C++, Laravel 5, and Spring 3 frameworks. Not in touch with these for a long time though, because I work with awesome Python now. :)

I have used MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, But really in love with Elasticsearch. It is fun.
I believe in Infrastructure as a code, So try my best to automate infrastructure deployment. I like to use Packer, Terraform with Ansible, and sometimes use Python SDK to do the same.
Likes to communicate data events between services with Kafka stream or SQS. Gives me the power to have scalable and reliable services.



Liverpool John Moores University, UK — Master of Science - MS in Computer Science OCTOBER 2020 - OCTOBER 2022

IIIT Bangalore, India — PG Diploma Software Development (Full Stack) OCTOBER 2019 - OCTOBER 2020

SEC Mayurbhanj, India — B.TECH Seemanta Engineering College (B.P.U.T) AUGUST 2006 - JUNE 2011

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